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When will the next beta version be released? - Page 3 - Designer Beta on macOS - Affinity | Forum.Award-winning creative software


Patrick Connor 7 posts. Oval 11 posts. PaulEC 7 posts. May I can't understand the negativity in some of the posts on this thread. The Affinity suite is very much under active development, with six updates in alone, and a patch in March this year. July To ALL here: Please do not get personal with your replies. Express your opinions without criticizing others and certainly do not make personal attacks or question motives.

It achieves nothing. God listen to yourself!!! Go back to Adobe but stop threatening Serif with your nonsense. As far as I am concerned Serif does not need "customers" like you!!!

Like Children Are we there. But talking to your own customers and responding to their questions has never hurt any company.

Quite the opposite However, they do not tell us about future plans, as that has caused issues in the past. Desktop: new: Windows 11 Home, version 21H2 Affinity Photo 1. There are fewer public fixes currently, but that is typical in that we make a major release 1.

I have not seen that and it is not true. All the developers who worked on 1. We have an amazing retention rate, and have recently taken on a number of new staff.

Work continues apace, to fix bugs and add new features, both of which take time. Have faith, Onwards! I personally don't expect Serif to be boasting on the forums about amazing progress. Meh Honest progress is all I look forward to. All the while, being aware this program is still in its 1. Steady progress is better than fast-paced where everything is incompetently built.

I imagine most people's mentality will change at 2. I don't care about version numbers personally. Obviously we'll probably to pay for 2. The question is always: Did you get your moneys worth with 1. If you didn't, wait to see When the 2. OK like many others I need a DAM to work alongside Affinity Photo, at the moment I still use Lightroom 6 perpetual and due to it's age it cannot read my Sony files so I have to go round the houses with the adobe DNG converter, it would be nice to actually no if there is a DAM on the horizon from Serif in the next release of Affinity Photo so I don't go throwing money away on purchasing another app that does have at least a DAM to work from.

I don't actually follow any of the myriad Sportsball enterprises but they could coincide. Affinity Designer 1. I have never mastered color management, period, so I cannot help with that.

I would gladly pay for a 2. Affinity Designer were quite cheap and I used it more or less daily. I still don't know how they managed to get enough revenue from v1. But I won't like a subscription plan, of course, I would be furious. Whether it's 1. I don't think that's the issue.

I mean, we don't know what's going on. We think there might be some big changes Or if some problems will finally be solved bounding box, expand stroke and the other I'm kind of joining the grumblers. It's hard to project yourself in a workflow knowing that there are functions that are really missing to be efficient. I'd like to get rid of adobe products I think that paying is not a problem.

But the lack of visibility towards the future of the products. Because in the end we never know what is really planned. Found at www. And as it is it's all very usable, you should only care about 2. Will be interesting to see what 2. A company cannot charge for a new version of something once purchased, and all "updates" are free. I think both stores expect the software company to make a new product that can be bought fresh or only ever make new software sales to new customers. Quite incredible in my opinion.

There is only ever one price for an application on the Mac App Store and the Microsoft Store, so you cannot easily offer a discount code for a new application either. The software house can choose to leave AppX on the store available to buy after you release "AppX ver2" or not, but neither store has a built-in mechanism for an upgrade process. Biggest software companies in the world and they haven't got this sorted smh. Patrick Connor Serif Europe Ltd. True nobility lies in being superior to your previous self.

Hello I am new to Affinity, and I am wondering why the resolution of the tutorial videos is generally so poor? It makes me wonder is there a minimum size of screen that is needed to be able to use Affinity? I would have thought that anyone who wanted to buy the apps would still do so, directly from Serif, if that was the only option available. Acer XC : Core i Hexa-core 2. I normally buy software directly from the developer as there are ridiculous fees taken from the app store provider.

Serif sell Affinity on the built in OS stores because of market reach and familiarity, but it is always better for Serif to buy direct from us, in that we make more money.

You can buy our software from whichever suits you better and the prices are the same wherever possible. You guys at Serif should talk to the people at Bare Bones Software. See how they first dealt with the Mac App Store and how they deal with it now. With Version 2. Once the proper end-of-life EOL is reached for all Affinity Suite of apps, make noticeable descriptions in the app stores. I think Serif can see from their perspective that they would handle all kinds of transaction, while at the same time they are in complete control of pricing decisions.

There is now no more commission fees to the app stores. Because each of us already has an account, when purchased any Serif products, future upgrade pricings can take into account our previous version purchase. I don't but Software through the Microsoft Store, but if Microsoft and Apple allow to contact Users directly under certain conditions I don't know if that can be arranged.

Since we can attach an acct to the software, it's possible these users can be screened. Maybe there is a way to put the upgrade information on the "open screen" and one-time use token be applied once clicking a banner, etc. They would end up with a standard upgrade license going forward. I'm sure there's ways I expect all future updates to have been delivered to me from Microsoft Store!

You have purchased a license for version 1 of the applications, and all future updates to version 1 of the applications will be delivered via the Microsoft Store and without additional charge. Serif has said that version 2, when it arrives, will require a new purchase. It would not just be an update to your current version 1 applications. At that point you may purchase the new application from any Store in which Serif decides to sell it.

I get everyone is anxious for a big update and the arrival of Publisher for iPad. Me too. Publisher on iPad will make working out of my office so much easier. I have been waiting for some features to be added for a couple years now that I think would make the suite even more productive for me. That said, Affinity was always open that version 2 would be a paid upgrade. I am more than happy to shell out money for software that works as well as this when they release 2.

I have been doing graphics on computers since the 80s and Affinity is one of the best companies I have worked with. I prefer things as they are, they release things when they are ready, not just to get some extra bucks for once a year upgrades if they are ready or not.

I have had some issues over the years and Affinity responded quickly and honestly.



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